Honouring the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities
ISN is proud to have partnered with the Missanabie Cree Business Corporation in creating Canada’s premier Indigenous-owned, full-service national investigation company. This new company is called ‘ISN Maskwa.’ 'Maskwa' means 'bear' in Cree; we are equally proud to combine our ISN logo with a bear paw and the colours of the medicine wheel. This is meant to demonstrate our commitment to working with Indigenous communities in partnership and provide services that are Indigenous led from an Indigenous company.
To mark September 30th – The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, our staff are participating in professional development that is focused on teachings about the history of Indigenous peoples and how generations of systemic and overt racism have impacted them. These teachings are our first step in learning the truth of Canada’s history.
On this National Day of Observance, we at ISN Maskwa call upon everyone in Canada, and especially those in elected office, to recognize the work from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to implement all recommendations. We must also recognize that colonization, residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and many other forms of segregating and racist actions have had a profound, generational impact on Canada’s Indigenous population. By recognizing these historical injustices, we are ensuring that there is first Truth, which can then lead to Reconciliation.
To learn more, please visit The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.