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Areas of Expertise
  • Professional Standards

  • Major Incidents

  • Human Resources


Toronto, ON

Office - Phone


Krista Kempster

Senior Investigator

Krista Kempster is a retired police officer with 30 years of experience, last holding the rank of Staff Sergeant.  She served as both an investigator and a manager in the Professional Standards Bureau and was responsible for ensuring timely, impartial and thorough internal misconduct investigations as well as external public complaints made about the conduct of police officers.  Krista understood the importance of maintaining a high degree of confidentiality and diligence in conducting these investigations.

Krista also spent time at rank in the Community Services Bureau, front line patrol and criminal investigations.  She spent the final three years of her career in the Duty Inspector’s Office, responsible for the command of major incidents and providing region-wide supervision and oversight.

While working in Human Resources as a workplace harassment investigator, she earned an Executive Certificate in Conflict Management from the University of Windsor.   She is  experienced in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution and has applied her skills by bringing successful resolution to workplace disputes through mediation. As a Senior Investigator, Krista specializes in the area of workplace harassment investigation.

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