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Areas of Expertise
  • Tactical Traniner

  • Nuclear Security

  • Background Investigations


Toronto, ON

Office - Phone


Parry Pichette

Use of Force Investigator

Parry Pichette is one of the Senior Investigators at ISN who resides in Clarington. ISN has commissioned Parry to provide expert opinion on Use of Force, and provide written reviews on incidents where force was used.

As a Police Constable with the Durham Regional Police (DRPS) for 22 years, he worked general Patrol duties in Whitby for 10 years. Parry was a member of the DRPS – Tactical Support Unit (TSU) for 5 years and a member of the DRPS - Training Branch of the Nuclear Security Division (NSD) for 7 years. In 2011, he left the DRPS for a position with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) as a Tactical Trainer with their Armed Nuclear Site Response Team (NSRT).

In 2005, Parry was certified by the Ontario Police College (OPC) to teach and requalify Police Officers and Security Officers in Use of Force.

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