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Areas of Expertise
  • Major Crime

  • Organized Crime Enforcement - Drug Squad

  • Case Management


Toronto, ON

Office - Phone


Randy Franks

Use of Force Investigator

Randy Franks is a Senior Investigator with Investigative Solutions Network Inc.  He has an extensive background in police investigations, specifically Crimes Against Person and Property Crimes and Drug investigations.

Franks served with the Toronto Police Service for 37 years. He retired at the rank of Staff Inspector. At the senior officer rank, he was the Unit Commander of Organized Crime Enforcement - Drug Squad. He received training in Major Case Management at the Canadian Police College, and Emergency Site Management at the Canadian Emergency Management College and has received training in Incident Management. He served as the Toronto Police representative on the Drug Committee of the Canadian Chiefs of Police Association from 2011-2014.

Over his 37 year career with the Toronto Police Service, he worked in numerous departments, including Traffic Enforcement, and worked as the Inspector in charge of the Major Crime Task Force (responsible for active kidnapping investigations) and the Asian Organized Crime Task Force (joint forces unit). He served as a Detective Sergeant in charge of the Covert Operations Unit (responsible for agents, confidential informants, and undercover investigations), Detective Sergeant at Internal Affairs and the Intelligence Unit. He has conducted investigations into kidnappings, organized crime conspiracies (Part VI investigations), missing persons, attempted murder, home invasions, car-jacking, all levels of assault, and numerous types of property crimes. In addition, he was the Major Case Manager in the investigation and prosecution of a suspect arrested for bombings in multiple jurisdictions.

He has successfully completed training in several advanced criminal investigative courses including Major Case Management, Multiple Jurisdiction Major Case Management, and Confidential Source Handling.

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