The presence of security guards at businesses is perhaps the most visible indication of a security plan, perhaps provided by a private security and investigative service. As important as these uniformed sentinels are to the protection of a company, its assets and employees, they are one component of a robust overall security strategy.
An enhanced security program includes uniformed security guards, covert and/or overt camera systems, security audits and threat/risk assessments, access control systems, and ongoing policy reviews. Increasingly, it also means a robust cyber security system to defend against cyber-attacks.
“Simply put, a cyber-attack is an attack launched from one computer or more computers against another computer, multiple computers or networks. Cyber-attacks might be broken down into two broad types: attacks where the goal is to disable the target computer or knock it offline, or attacks where the goal is to get access to the target computer’s data and perhaps gain admin privileges on it,” writes Josh Fruhlinger for CSO.
Cyber-attacks Come From a Variety of Directions
Cyber-attacks come in a number of ways: malware, phishing, denial of service attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, he continues, adding “these techniques can be used in tandem. For instance, phishing emails may try to trick users into downloading malware.”
From data breaches at credit agencies to identify thefts, cyber-attacks are increasing, and so are the related costs.
“The most important statistic about 2017’s cyber-attacks is that they (were) expected to cause $5 billion worth of damages. That’s a staggering fifteen-fold increase over just two years ago,” continues Fruhlinger. “The future looks equally grim: cybercrime damage is expected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021, with cybersecurity spending to hit $1 trillion over the next four years.”
Cyber security has developed into a very exact discipline, according to Investigative Solutions Network, with it becoming “increasingly necessary as cyber threats to private and public sector organizations have increased exponentially in complexity and severity.”
Simple firewalls and anti-virus software are no longer sufficient cyber security reactions to protect networks, private information or intellectual property. “The sophisticated methods used in recent high-profile cyber incidents have driven many to seek a greater understanding on how such security issues are manifested,” relates ISN.
Successful Security Program Includes Many Aspects
Clearly, a comprehensive security plan needs to include a number of components, from cyber defense to security guards to protect people and property. When exploring options for security guards, keep some guidelines in mind:
Is the company licensed and insured?
What is the reputation of the security provider?
What training and licensing do the guards have?
ISN provides elite security guard services focused on the needs of its clients. All of their guards are licensed by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and are selected for their commitment to providing exceptional customer service.
Looking for private security and investigative services? Contact us now for more information.