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Investigative Solutions Network is an Accredited Fingerprinting Service


Conducting background checks on prospective employees is a fairly standard process, including something as basic as reviewing references. But what if a more involved review is required, such as fingerprinting services?

Canadian employers wishing to conduct a fingerprint identification of a prospective employee can use the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Real Time Identification service that promises to complete reviews in hours and days rather than the weeks it once took. The service’s delivery targets are:

  • Two hours for all criminal ten-print searches:

Ten-print identifications are usually required when police undertake a criminal booking. This identification used to take as long as ten weeks.

  • 24 hours for all latent searches:

Latent fingerprints are fingerprints found at crime scenes. A routine latent search used to take up to six weeks.

  • Three business days for all civil services:

Fingerprint and criminal record checks are required for security clearances by members of the public applying for jobs, requesting permission to travel, and for immigration purposes. Civil clearances used to take several months to complete.

Fingerprint services may be required for a number of reasons, including: employment, foreign travel, passports, work permits and visas, citizenship, permanent resident and immigration, record suspension, US waivers, adoption – foreign and domestic, controlled goods program, security license applicants, volunteers, and others.

Some Employers and Positions Require Mandatory Fingerprinting

Public servants, for instance, are among employees who may be required to comply with fingerprinting requirements. On July 1, 2016, new mandatory electronic fingerprinting for criminal record checks for federal government employment security screening came into effect, according to a report at Commissionaires.

“Fingerprints have been used for many years to confirm identity and is an internationally accepted ‘best practice.’ Fingerprints are often used to confirm identity for purposes unrelated to criminality, including immigration and visas or unlocking digital devices. In the case of criminal records checks, fingerprinting is the only definite way to determine whether an individual has a criminal record, thereby eliminating false associations with criminality,” states the report.

Investigative Solutions Network is an accredited fingerprinting agency and certified by the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS). Our team of specially trained fingerprinting analysts deploy the latest digital technology to produce fingerprinting services of the highest quality.

For additional questions, please call 905-421-0046 or book your appointment online now.

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